Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Tiger and His Clothing

The Tiger and His Clothing

by Shuba

     Once there was a greedy old Tiger. He liked to take things from others. One day he came across a poor Beggar Dog who had to beg for a living. Dog had a penny which he had earned. He was by a thorn bush when Tiger came by.
      Tiger grabbed the penny from Dog and Tiger tugged so hard that Tiger fell into the thorn bush. Tiger did not notice he had tattered clothing because he was too busy admiring his treasure. He walked over a bridge and looked at his his reflection in the water. He did not realize that the reflection was his because he did not know his clothing was tattered by the thorn bush. Tiger thought he saw another Beggar Dog with a penny because of the clothing. Tiger then plunged his hand into the water only to realize that the penny was gone.
Moral: Greed brings disaster.

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